Your Life List

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Retire Member
Oct 25, 2007
We are doing good on making our checklist for crafts, parties, to dos and even Monthly Personal Goals but what about your Life Goals? Some of us may have made a Life list last year along with Ellen. A Life List is a list of things you want to accomplish in life. Think big and small- learn a new language or skill, read every book written by a certain author, visit somewhere different or learn to be a trapeze artist- anything. You can then start baby steps towards it. This is a big step in self nuturing and living your life for you.

How about it- What is on your life list?


Retire Member
Dec 25, 2007
Northern Germany

Our biggest goal was to get married, to build a house and get children. We have accomplished that. Good for us. Now we have to have a look on other goals. The kids are grown up and I´m looking forward.

this year goals
I like to learn more and better English (I'm German)
I like to visit KY and NY in 2008.
I wish I could follow Gingerbugs Jumpstart entirely. :)
I hope to find a way to bring all challenges together in one calendar. ;)

five years
go back in a job (stay at home since 1987)
find a new way with my hubby without kids

10 years and more
stay in our hours as long as we can


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 15, 2007
Thought-provoking subject. I don't make really long range goals. I'm pretty happy the way things are, but for starters:

*Maintain health/fitness (need a bit of improvement)
*Travel (US and international)
*Grandchildren . . . (looking forward to the possibility, but not much I can do about it)
*Downsize home (at some point)
*Learn German ? (DD may end up marrying a German man . . . would like to be able to converse with his parents - DH speaks some German)


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
Wow! This is something I've always thought about on the surface, but not real specific - does that make sense?

Off the top of my head:
*raise my children to love God and to choose to remain close to Him throughout their life
*return to school in order to renew my teaching license
*find a teaching job within 3-4 years that will fit in comfortably with my main priority - my home/family
*travel to Germany with DH and kids - was able to go in fall of '06 with just DS11, which was great, but I want all to see where my family is from and meet relatives there
*travel west by RV and see it all!


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
This was posted today on two sites I visit. Well, the other one was a top ten, but same idea. What are the odds of that? Very coincidental! I've never sat down and made a formal list, but from thinking about it today, here's some of mine.

In no particular order...

Things I've done that would be life list things: plant a tree, fall in love, get married, have children, buy a house, grow a garden, write a novel, donate blood, experience a white Christmas, see the Northern lights, attend a major sporting event (I've gone to Grey Cup and the Olympics), watch the sun rise and watch a sunset.

Things I want to do: learn to bake great bread (planning to do this before Christmas this year), run a marathon before my fortieth birthday (not in good enough shape to do it now, but I have 8 years), get published and see my book on a bookstore shelf (then cry because it's real!), take a yoga class with a certified instructor (I've only done DVDs), eat a five course meal (or comparably long feast) with my DH away from home, find out the mystery of who my great grandmother was, see the national capital (Ottawa, ON), see my children find the love of their lives and grow very old with my husband at my side.

I think this is an interesting thing to look at. Usually around my birthday, I make a list of 4-5 things I want to do in the next year, but I've never done a longer term list really. :love:


Santa's Elves
Great thread Twinkle!!!

Ok, well as for life goals I have accomplished, meet a wonderful man, buy a house and have little ones. Travel to alaska and Russia, and get to disney world atleast every other year if not every one. Have lots of friendship and love in my life.

As for things I have not done: get healthy by eating right and losing a few lbs. See more all of my country (that I havn't seen) and a few other ones that I am intrested in. Teach my children the value of life, and love and family, and give them a wonderful sense of tradition, and wonderful memories of there child hood. And to grow old with my husband watching our 3 kids marry the love of there lives and enjoy life to the fullest.

As for the short term, I want to be a magical member of the week like Dalia!!!! lol

Kelly :bigsnow:

PS. Basket...Love your goals! I have to ask.....what makes KY so intresting to you. I have never been there, so I was curious!


Retire Member
Dec 25, 2007
Northern Germany
Noelsmommy said:
PS. Basket...Love your goals! I have to ask.....what makes KY so intresting to you. I have never been there, so I was curious!

^^ My daughter is there for a highschool year and we like to visit where she lives for that time. And in NY lives an uncle of my hubby. :)

@ all Think it is good to write down longtime goals. So you would have a view about what you like to do. The livegoals could change about the years. I'm no more interested in some things I write down, when I was younger :). But it´s interesting. When I was younger I wrote that in a diary - very interesting sometimes. :love:


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
This reminds me of that new movie coming out....The Bucket List....a list of things two men want to do before they "kick the bucket"...

Like many of you I have already traveled through some of my life are some remaining ones...some rather fanciful and some practical...

1. Write a book
2. Take a cruise
3. Retire
4. REALLY get decluttered and organized...and STAY that way!!!
5. Be creative everyday!

Ummm....list subject to change as I ponder this one more!


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
devon, england
said to dh just the other day, we should amke a list of all the things we want to do this year.....

this year:
1.get court forms finished and actually posted so we can go to court and complete adoption of ds
2.want to go to see open universtiy when they are in town and sign up for a course, i need to start looking to when ds starts schoola nd i will need a job (3years to go, and its takes 6 for a degree)
3. take the kids to either nyc or orlandoat the end of the year
4.get a vegetable patch going in the gaden
5. start a proper savings scheme

longer term:
1. get a degree with OU
2.get a mortgage and buy a house (ive had enough of renting)
3, go on another cruise...once youve been once yu are hooked!


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
This is much like the movie, Bucket List, which by the way is a very good movie. Very thought provoking and good for all to put life in perspective.

Love this thread...will have to work on my list and get back to you.


Retire Member
Dec 3, 2007
I made this list last year... some of the things on it...

Learn to play the drums
Go to Mission Aviation School
Visit every country in the world
Write a novel

That is about all I can think of right now although there are over a hundred items on the list! Most are a little less fanciful!


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
Little Falls, Mn
Things I've done so far: Fell deeply in love, married, fixed up our home, had and raised two really wonderful children. We planted 8,000 pine seedling trees in our field (they are about 18 feet tall now!), I've gone to Florida and to fishing trips in Canada. I've read the Bible from cover to cover, I've worked as a nursing assistant taking care of the elderly for 26 years, was a Scoutmaster for my son's boyscout troop for four years and I volunteered at my kid's school when they were in elementary school.

Things I would like to do: the only thing that comes to mind is that I would really like to do some traveling. My dream is to see Venice. It looks like such a beautiful place. I think it would be awesome to see the Holy Lands. To stand were Jesus stood would be unbelievable! I hope to stay married to my husband into our old ages and enjoy grandchildren together, and to maintain a close loving relationship with my kids! What more could you ask for in life!!