Question for those with Paper notebooks. :)

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Santa's Elves
I have noticed several people with notebooks that are real paper notebooks. They are decorated and SO pretty. :)

I'm wondering, with "hardcopy" notebooks like that, how do you make changes or alterations - altering menus, gift ideas etc. Do you reprint the pages, or how do you work it? My notebook is online, so when I make a change, I just save the changes and there's no mess. I love the bound notebooks and tried it at first, but found that I had to re-print the pages every time I made a change.

Can you explain to me how you do it?



Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
I would love to hear everyone's tips as well. I am trying to consolidate my notebook and make it look prettier too. I have too many papers with bits and pieces I had printed out. I just recently started to put ideas on the word processor documents. So far the only thing I have thought to do to avoid constantly reprinting another paper every time I add an idea is to put any new ideas since the last printing in a different color. When I get enough new information for another page or simply want to update it again, I Change the color of the new info to the same color of what has already been printed. That means my actual notebook might not be as up to date as my computer, but I can see by looking at the color what information still needs to be updated into my paper notebook.


Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
I have to agree with you Zchristy, I use a 4 ring binder because of that reason, at least then the pages can be replaced easily. I do print quite a bit for my Notebook because I am always looking for ways to make it work better for me. i am rather pleased with it at the moment so hopefully it will be a while before I need to print any more. I do like a hard copy, it's nice to browse through it while watching the TV during an evening, although I have a lot of things saved on the computer.



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 26, 2007
Central Vermont
I print out my pages too, but for small reminders or notes to myself..I have small post-it notes in holiday pattern. I found those at CURRENT last year and if I get an idea for a gift, the note pad is in the front pocket of my notebook and I jot a reminder and stick it to the page in reference.

Also, yesterday at Staples I found dividers and index markers. I thought it might be easier with those color coded divider sheets and at the front of the book I will mark them:
DARK BLUE DIVIDER........."Gift giving"
RED DIVIDER........"Recipes for holiday Meals" etc...
I found alot of interesting ideas for managing my notebook just by browsing the shelves at Staples.

I'm a believer

MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
How old fashioned I am! I never thought of having anything else but paper (this is the first year I am actually doing it all properly) but I am glad you raised this cause I am sure I would be thinking about this question once everything started for real. ::eek:rnament:


MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
Tall Corn state
+++++with all the great school supplies out can find all kinds of markers, dividers, papers, folders, vinyl pockets, etc. for your notebook!

Lot's of 'em on sale too!

Pippi said:
+++++with all the great school supplies out can find all kinds of markers, dividers, papers, folders, vinyl pockets, etc. for your notebook!

Lot's of 'em on sale too!


And pretty soon lots of clearances for these items. Last year in Target I bought a TON of stuff on clearance well after back to school. I bought 10 pack sizes of BIC pens for like 8 cents, binders for 75 cents, and many more GREAT DEALS!!!!


Santa's Elves
Thanks for your insight, everyone! I have to admit, I am still confused as to how people have a bound notebook - the pages would have to be ripped out whenever a change is made. I have seen some beautiful books and could make a lovely cover, but my notebook is gift ideas, budgets, menus which are always changing, so I've had to stick to an online version because it's "evolvable". :)

Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I just use a 3 ring binder that has a clear plastic cover on the outside so I can slip any picture to decorate the cover. I use page protectors for not only the pages but the dividers with tabs that I can put on and remove easily when ever I wish. The back is where I have scraps, notes and things I wrote down on lined paper, then when I can, I do up the page nicely on Christmas stationary, etc. then slip them in the page protectors. So it's easy for me to update, add, take out, whatever really. I've had computers crash before and even though I thought I had all my bases covered, I still seem to manage to lose information. So I figured it's better for me to have a binder and do it that way. :) Then when I want I can put on some Christmas music and look through it any time...even if the power goes off. ;)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I have struggled with having a paper based notebook versus files saved on my computer since day 1!

My 5th year into it, I've finally hit a sort of balance.


I have a 3 ring binder, with the pretty decorations, decorated tab dividers, etc. Some things I can print and not need to constantly adjust.

My Christmas Card list, my HGP tasks, the CC tasks and so on...

For the things in flux, I keep files on my PC and print every so often.

I still rely on my PC for the latest and greatest info, but eventually it gets printed out.

I also keep a thin, spiral bound notebook for jotting down ideas on the go. This gets tucked into the back pocket of my 3 ring binder.

A bit convulated as systems go, but it is working for me!



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
This is also my first year. I printed off a picture (before I decided to do a notebook--so had to blow it up) to fit nicely inside the plastic front. I printed off the HGP some of it and the HHP some of it--penciled in the weeks for the jobs and have it in the 3 ring binder. Have dividers and lined paper and all the sections in plastic sheet covers. Got a pencil pouch the other day on sale so all pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters will be together. I am anxious to see how it all goes this year.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I actually found myself last year using two binders kind of. I have my Christmas notebook with the HGP and the countdown week by week list,(I don't reprint those-have the same ones from the first year that I did the plans) recipe index, card list in along with some craft ideas that I know will be used over and over, along with patterns for boxes for candy giving etc. I do print off every year the new calander with the weeks although I do change them some like clean the dinningroom first week of Oct so it's already to go the second monday in OCT when its our Thanksgiving.

For the actual cleaning list and gifts I keep a section in my daily planner as it goes with me. Last year I just wrote them down on blank lined planner pages the cleaning list and the gifts in the gift section that came with the planner. This year I printed off CEO's cleaning list in A5 to print my planner and the 'Gifts: ideas and gift made/bought" from one of the notebook idea websites that CEO feature on her site that are A5 size. Thanks CEO for mentioning that site.

For actually crafting I do I have a section in the back of my planner where I list crafts I make during the year where it's for Christmas or wedding quilts, baby/bridal shower gifts. It's nice at the end of the year to go back and see all the crafts I have made during the year for different occassions etc.


MHH Member
Oct 22, 2007
I have everything on my computer and then I print them out and put them in my notebook. I can update the information on my computer as needed and then print it out again. But usually, what I do is just write in my notebook and then change everything on the computer once Christmas is over. That way, when I get my notebook ready for the next year, everything is printed out with updated information and ready to go.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I'll admit, after sitting in front of a computer all day at work, the LAST thing I want is my Christmas Notebook to be on a computer! I have all my forms and sheets in electronic format, gift lists, card lists, baking lists, and I print them out each year and write my thoughts and musing in by hand. I think this is much easier!!

For example....I'm sitting in front of the TV and I suddenly get a brilliant idea for a gift for my mom. I would much rather run over to my desk, grab my notebook and jot it down on my mom's gift idea column, than go upstairs, turn on my computer, open word, open the document, write it down, save the file, shutdown the computer and go back downstairs...PHEW! That's exhausting just writing all that!

Basically, I just find it more relaxing working with a paper notebook..and more fun!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 26, 2007
Central Vermont
I have also printed out all my forms and I have my 3 ring binder, notebook close to jot down ideas. I keep a post-it notepad by my seat for ideas, and when they hit like when I see a commercial, I jot myself a note and then stick it onto the page for that particular person. Later I can review my post-it notes and add to the small spiral notebook I carry in my purse for shopping trips.
With a son and other family members constantly fighting to use our computer I'd rather just pencil in ideas too.


Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I have used the notebook since 2001. I find that it is easier to use notebook paper for my notes. I have ideas that I have saved from the internet in a file on my desktop (in the computer) But anything I plan to use I have printed out and placed into my binder. All lists are made by hand on notebook paper. Anything that I would need for next year I type out and save in my puter but also print it out for my notebook.

Using the handwritten notes makes it so much easier. Like some of the others have said I can take my notebook anywhere and curl up and make notes.

I also use a small spiral notepad to carry with me that lists gifts to buy and gifts bought. This I copy into my large notebook in case I loose the smaller one.

Maybe I will use some pretty Christmas paper this year to record my notes on. Yep I'm gonna do that. I found a pkg left over from my Christmas letter (2 years ago) while I was decluttering yesterday so I'll use that.

I hope we have answered your question :grin:


Retire Member
Jun 30, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Im constantley making changes and I cant stand all my little doodles
on my printed So I try to posty note my changes and notes then I go in on Rudy Day and make my changes that i have noted then I eprint my pages.... :haha:


Retire Member
Oct 22, 2007
Chicago suburbs, Illinois
I use a 3 ring notebook with the usual pages that I print out new each year. When I come across a recipe or craft idea in a magazine, I pull it out, then 3 hole punch it and stick it in the section it belongs to. My dividers for each section have pockets, so any small notes go in the pockets. I have a page at the end of my planner called "change for next year...." and anything that either didn't work out right, or a bright idea I had too late goes on this page. It's the first one I look at when printing my book pages for the next year.