Christmas Color And Decoration Schemes 2019

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MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
That time of year is rolling in fast and with many who change up their decorative schemes which this year my home will be rustic country christmas which the red truck is very popular here we have red truck decor all over it's on potholders,cups,glasses,canisters,towels every where.We also have the red truck large outdoor pieces it's every where you look as well as rustic tin gingham decorative ornaments,and there are many of us who are excited i've already started to buy these things.What are you going with this christmas,anyone changing things in their home?


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I love to hear how everyone changes up their decorating each year. I don't have a theme, it is a mash up of everything over the years.
The red truck theme/country rustic theme will be gorgeous


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Aug 3, 2008
That time of year is rolling in fast and with many change up their decorative schemes which this year my home will be rustic country christmas which the red truck is very popular here we have red truck decor all over it's on potholders,cups,glasses,canisters,towels every where.We also have the red truck large outdoor pieces it's every where you look as well as rustic tin gingham decorative ornaments,and there are many of us who are excited i've already started to buy these things.What are you going with this christmas,anyone changing things in their home?
we have lots of red truck decor at work its so pretty


MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
Yes it is some of my friends here have that in their kitchens actually around here many kitchens are the red truck theme dishes,household things decor pieces as i'm doing my home in that theme as christmas will be alot of that theme although i have a couple of trees and now i have one for my storm porch and that will be all red truck theme.


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May 27, 2011
Washington, the Evergreen State
The red truck has been very popular for a few years now and doesn't show any sign of slowing down. I saw a really cute one at Lowe's - quite large with lights - that you could put on your front porch or walkway.

We have a mash up as Katrina said - our trees are a jumble of ornaments I've collected over the past 40 years although this year I'm thinking about making one of them a childhood tree (Disney, Peanuts, American Girl, those types of ornaments) and then the big tree is all the family ornaments and the ones we've collected through our travels. I have two smaller tabletop-size trees that I'm not sure how I'm going to decorate yet. I am going to buy another revolving stand - makes decorating so much easier when you just put your foot on the button and rotate the tree to a new section to work on! I have a red and white tree skirt that I made from a kit Mum sent me years ago - it has felt and beaded candlesticks around the edge. I need another tree skirt for the second tree - saw a beautiful Peanuts one at Hallmark but I think it was $99!! I'll be checking out our local craft fairs to see if I can find something a little less expensive.

The house is a jumble of red and green - Lenox Holiday dinnerware so that's a holly pattern, pieces knitted and sewn by my Mum, Sophia's preschool Christmas artwork that has a display spot of its own, and giant Pottery Barn red stockings with white cuffs that will hang (for the first time ever!) from the fireplace mantle. I did get rid of a couple of pieces of furniture that had dedicated décor each Christmas so I'm not sure how I'm going to display those items this year. I am so excited to decorate for Christmas in our new home.


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Pamela, your decorating plan sounds wonderful. We have one big tree in the loungeroom and DS has a very small tree in his loungeroom. Last year after Christmas I bought 2 light up trees for DH and my bedside tables. Not sure if I will use them this year. For Mother's Day I got a Christmas quilt cover and pillowcases so I am excited to use those this year.
I don't often sit and plan how I will decorate but I was happy with what I did last year so took some photos on the ipad and hope to replicate this year.
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MHH Member
Jun 22, 2011
Love to hear how everyone decorates. We have a lot of the rustic Christmas décor here too, with the red truck and a lot of red buffalo plaid. I added some to my décor last year, and plan to add more this year. I bought a ceramic red truck at Hobby Lobby, it's sitting on my coffee table. I can fill the truck bed with little pumpkins for fall, then little bottle brush trees for Christmas. I've also seen little blocks put in the truck bed to use for a countdown to Christmas. That would be cute too.
I put up a large tree in the family room that's an accumulation of ornaments we've added thru the years, even some from grandparents and parents. Then I put up a small tree decorated in what I call 'horse country', with cowboy santas and horses and such. I use twisted leather strips (very thin) as a kind of garland. Then another skinny tree that I sometimes do in white lights, and red and silver ornaments. Not sure if I'll do that this year or not. I'm in the process or redecorating the house into more rustic country, so I may have both skinny trees reflect that.


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May 27, 2011
Washington, the Evergreen State
Love to hear how everyone decorates. We have a lot of the rustic Christmas décor here too, with the red truck and a lot of red buffalo plaid. I added some to my décor last year, and plan to add more this year. I bought a ceramic red truck at Hobby Lobby, it's sitting on my coffee table. I can fill the truck bed with little pumpkins for fall, then little bottle brush trees for Christmas. I've also seen little blocks put in the truck bed to use for a countdown to Christmas. That would be cute too.
I put up a large tree in the family room that's an accumulation of ornaments we've added thru the years, even some from grandparents and parents. Then I put up a small tree decorated in what I call 'horse country', with cowboy santas and horses and such. I use twisted leather strips (very thin) as a kind of garland. Then another skinny tree that I sometimes do in white lights, and red and silver ornaments. Not sure if I'll do that this year or not. I'm in the process or redecorating the house into more rustic country, so I may have both skinny trees reflect that.
There was so much buffalo plaid at Lowe's, really pretty!


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia


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Sep 12, 2009
I enjoyed reading this. Our decorations are also a mix of things. Many are home made or have been gifts. Our tree has homemade ornaments with a smattering of store bought ornaments. We use either silver, white and light blue ornaments, red, white and silver ornaments or red, white and light blue ornaments. We put candy canes on the tree too.
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Myron's Mom

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Jul 1, 2018
Love to hear what everyone is doing. My decorations are pretty much “ironclad”. I use pretty much the same decor every year but change the arrangement of it. My trees are the family tree in the living room, all the family heirlooms from mine and husbands family growing up in the sunroom and the entranceway tree is variations of what I have laying around from year to year. My entrance way is the only place I have some leeway otherwise I will hear about it. Husband and adult son are very much into traditions and want things the way they have always been. But I guess that’s a good thing.

Miss JoDee

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Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
I would change it up if I wanted and if they complain it is not the tradition tell them to wait a year and it will be:p.
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Myron's Mom

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Jul 1, 2018
Lol!!! I should and could since I’m the head decorator - actually the only decorator! Expand their horizons a little lol! But That means I would have to buy new stuff and I don’t need anymore stuff. Unless it’s fabric or sewing machines:rolleyes:


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Sep 8, 2008
Love to hear the differentials in decorating. But as I think ahead. I will have my tree w Gingerbreadmen in kitchen, as my late mother bought sooo many. I love Gingerbread. My living room is snowmen. I have snowflakes in my bathroom as it needs s little TLC. Lol my basement entertainment room is wildlife so I add alot of greenery & my christmassy deer antlers, with a few Santas . I am getting sooo excited, but at the same time saddened, lol as I still have my pool going. Here in Mid Missouri, we r still with 90°. This week I did add my fall decor.
Have a wonderful decorating week...


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
DawnSU. Your decorating sounds amazing. I like gingerbread too.
My mum collects Santas, I like snowmen although I do not have a huge collection.


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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Always happy to talk about Christmas decor! I use a lot of greenery, white lights, white ceramic pieces, metal and natural tone elements - wicker, wooden items, etc.

Trees are white lights and multi color with all colors of ornaments although heavy on red and green I'd say.

DS's room has the whimsical and toy themed decor elements.

Once the downstairs is finished I'm looking forward to branching out with my themes in those areas!!!