cast party

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Retire Member
Oct 29, 2007
owosso michigan
I am involved in our community players, we are putting on A Christmas Carol this year and I am playing Mrs. Cratchitt.

I will be hosting the cast party and was wondering about putting out a potluck sheet. Do you think this is ok? The party will be November 7th so when do I put a sheet out?

I will do a ham and meatballs up also a turtle cheesecake. And wassail punch.

Any ideas or suggestions you have regarding the list would be helpful. Thanks!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
A pot luck for your community theatre group's celebration sounds wonderful! Will just the theatre group be coming to the party? Or spouses/significant others? (This determines how much food you will need).

I would ask for a dish to serve 10. AND - a beverage -- from everyone. For people who don't cook -- I would suggest a large pizza from a pizza shop, a bucket of fried chicken, or something substantial which they purchase and bring - ready to eat.

I would put the signup sheet out ASAP. And have directions to your house, and instructions to bring their contribution in a disposable dish., and any other helpful information on xeroxed sheets. (So you are not returning dishes to everyone.)

Personally - I would not mention the delicious food and drink you are providing. Let those things be a wonderful surprise. Let the guests plan to bring substantial food, too. (Oh - I would have desserts be IN ADDITION to the main dish, not instead of the main dish.) In my experience, too many people want to mix up a box of brownies. Too many plates of brownies - instead of food - are not really good for a dinner.

For a group of people who have worked so hard together -- your party will be a wonderful time for them to relax together! Good for you!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Where I worked we always had a potluck christmas dinner. One person would post a list and we would add our names beside something we wanted to do (if there are lots of people you can leave space for more than one name besides each item - we usually had 2 to make sandwiches and 3 for desserts, a few for cheese since it's expensive, a few for salads, etc..), such as:

- Veggies - dip
- sandwiches
- Cold cuts
- Cheese
- Salads
- Chips - salsa
- patés
- Desserts
- etc...