HGP 2023 -- Week 11 -- Garage-Storage

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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
Week 11, already???? Time to tackle our storage areas, including the garage. It’s where I have all my holiday decor bins stored, and I know I’ll want to be able to access them right after Thanksgiving. Additionally, with the colder weather in our area, I’ll want to make sure I have my winter snow removal items on hand and ready to go, when needed. Once the garage is done, I’ll need to tackle my other storage area – the closet under the stairs in my office area. Where are your storage areas? Can you easily get to what you'll need? Time to give it some attention.

For those with a garage, begin by moving the car outside onto the garage slab, curbside, or into other parking areas that you can use. As with other areas in the house, start by sweeping down any visible cobwebs from the ceiling and walls. As you can, sweep around the exterior and look for areas that little critters may be able to enter. If you find any, time to break out the steel wool to plug them and set out any traps that may be needed. Next, tackle the garage door windows – If yours are anything like mine, they really, really need it this year!

Give the garage floor a good sweeping, and then start your organizing by stowing things in their appropriate place. Tools that were used over the summer and never made it back into their tool chest; gardening tools and extra pots, and gloves, along with seeds for next year; stow bicycles and other summer play gear until next season ... whatever needs to be put away, do so. This will help ease access to your Christmas décor.

Once everything is stored, begin staging Christmas bins in the order in which you’ll need them. I generally begin by changing the wreath on my door from autumn to Christmas and setting out my front porch décor (artificial swag and lanterns in various sizes with battery-operated red candles) first, and then I hang the garland, bows, and a wreath from my deck railing. So bins with those items will be pulled out and moved forward. Then, make your tree accessible (if you use an artificial one), and then your bins with ornaments. Lastly, pull make those misc. bins accessible. Mine house other decor items, including my angel collection, Christmas linens, including the tree skirt, in another bin, and serving pieces in a third. I’ll pull serve ware on an as-needed basis., so it doesn't necessarily need to be moved forward, just accessible from the shelf it's on, with nothing blocking it.

The key is accessibility – be sure you can easily get to what you need, when you need it. While organizing your storage area, and if you haven’t previously done so, consider taping a small paper to each box or bin (or use painter's tape) with details on what is in there, so you limit the amount of time you spend searching for holiday items or can easily direct a family member to “go get the box marked xyz.”

Lastly, check your lighting for any bulbs that may have burned out and then give your garage door a quick “tune-up” by lubricating your door wheels and any other moving parts. If it’s not something you can do yourself, contact a garage door maintenance person / company to handle that task for you.

Stand back and know that you’re ready for the holiday season.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 13, 2018
My to-do list for this week:
  • Sweep cobwebs from ceiling and walls.
  • Wash garage door windows and remove any cobwebs from the tracks, especially near the sensors
  • Give the floor a good initial sweeping
  • Organize tool area – put away misc tools; place select tools hat may be needed during the holidays in top drawer of tool chest.
  • Organize gardening supplies. Stow planters, gardening tools, seed packets, etc.
  • Move folding chairs and sweep around that area.
  • Stow coolers
  • Stow canning supplies.
  • Move bike and arrange to have rack for hanging installed.
  • Stage porch and patio décor for FIRST access
  • Move tree from back corner storage (easily accessible once I put the porch decor out)
  • Pull and stack bins of tree decorations. (easily accessible once the tree is moved into the house)
  • Set aside bin with holiday linens; make room for Autumn decorations to be stowed. (it's easily visible and accessible; will leave it on the shelf until autum decor bin is ready to be stowed)
  • Call to arrange for Garage door tune-up – wheels and springs are squeaking badly so entire unit and all parts need to be professionally lubricated. (Thank you YouTube, encouragement from a friend, a $8.99 can of garage door lubricant, and a little guidance from the Ace Hardware man, and i did it myself!)
  • Dispose of long unused beer and other beverages that have / may have turned or gone flat.
  • Pull bin with Christmas wrap, bows, etc. (I’ve not yet started wrapping.)
  • Go through office paperwork and shred or file, as needed. Clear desktop.
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Myron's Mom

Well-Known Member
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Jul 1, 2018
Garage is done here. I always wear a mask when sweeping out the garage. It is so dusty here.

I finally found parsley root for the chicken soup! Making soup tomorrow so Christmas dinner will be pretty much under control. Was 7.49 a pound- I didn’t pay that much a pound for a beef roast the other week!

Starting to work on trees this week. I have 2 up and fluffed. Will get the other 2 up and will start decorating them over the weekend.

The only other thing for this week is continue to work on my quilt.
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Miss JoDee

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Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
My goal this year to be done by Thanksgiving but it may have to shift to December 1st. I will be at DD's for about a week helping her move to her farm.

The biggest project is decorating for Christmas. Which involves a good vacuuming and dusting before and after. Decorating plans have changed and some furniture needs to be moved too. I enjoy decorating and thinking outside the box every year so I want to take my time. I do my baking in mid-December so it is more enjoyable.
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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Garage is organized with summer items in the sheds. Garage door is being replaced along with the tracks. Soon I hope. We keep a garage door spray that we spray on the spring, tracks and wheels. I think we do it every three months. I have it on my phone calendar and just do it when the message pops up. We have had garage door springs break three times. Once at each house we have had in Wisconsin. So we try to keep up the maintenance. We were told never to touch the spring itself and one guy showed us his scars on his arm from trying to replace a spring himself. He was giving three of us a lesson on garage door maintenance. Was very interesting.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
We keep a garage door spray that we spray on the spring, tracks and wheels. I think we do it every three months. I have it on my phone calendar and just do it when the message pops up.
Great idea! I had a spring break about 4 years ago and that was the last time I had anything serviced, so it was long overdue and my rollers were squeeking badly. Lubed them up today and it is vastly improved. Going to add it to my phone's calendar. Thanks!
We were told never to touch the spring itself and one guy showed us his scars on his arm from trying to replace a spring himself.
The guy at the hardware store told me to just spray the springs with the same lubricant I used on the door rollers, and to go across the springs once or twice at the top of them. I did that on the springs and on the rollers, bearings, and hinges. Amazing what a little oil will do!
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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Great idea! I had a spring break about 4 years ago and that was the last time I had anything serviced, so it was long overdue and my rollers were squeeking badly. Lubed them up today and it is vastly improved. Going to add it to my phone's calendar. Thanks!

The guy at the hardware store told me to just spray the springs with the same lubricant I used on the door rollers, and to go across the springs once or twice at the top of them. I did that on the springs and on the rollers, bearings, and hinges. Amazing what a little oil will do!
That’s what we found out too. As a child I was alway watching the house maintenance things my uncle did so I knew a lot of items but this was new to me.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
That’s what we found out too. As a child I was alway watching the house maintenance things my uncle did so I knew a lot of items but this was new to me.
I can use that $175 garage tune-up fee on much more important things. We rock!
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
My dad had a spring in his eye when he changed them last time. He was operated twice but he doesn't see as well since then.. be careful!

Garage is dh's department... guess he doesn't mind seing it FULL ;) told him he needs to make space for the car this winter. He did post a few things on marketplace but that doesn't seem to work too well here

Myron's Mom

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jul 1, 2018
Soup is made and in the freezer. Turned out really good. Trees are up and fluffed. Husband needs to change 2 light bulbs in the living room tree then I can start decorating. Updated my “to do” lists.

My husband is very handy and can pretty much fix or build anything. There are 2 exceptions- anything plumbing and garage door springs.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 30, 2008
Long Island, NY
We had to replace our 20+ year old garage door mechanism last month. Sigh.


MHH Member
Jun 7, 2022
The garage is dhs' realm (it contains his weight bench etc), so I tend to ignore it and try and tidy up around the OUTSIDE of the garage... So easy work for me this week :cool:
I put my Christmas tree up this week - the earliest it's ever been up and I'm thrilled! It just felt like the right time to do it.
And today I finished Christmas shopping!
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
Looks like everyone is on top of things. In my garage, I still need to figure out what to do with the carpet remnants -- they are large, one is enough to do another run of the stairs, and the bedroom remnants could re-do both closets or another area, if need be. Right now, they're rolled and taking up space. For some reason, I can't seem to keep my tables cleared or counters in the kitchen empty. That will be part of today's focus. Just going to make the most of today, as best as I can. My Christmas decor is staged and ready, but won't go up until the day after Thanksgiving -- family traditions run deep.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Our garage is DH area. I would not dare touch a thing in there. I do sweep the garage door and clean the light on porch week but besides that I do nothing.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 13, 2018
Our garage is DH area. I would not dare touch a thing in there. I do sweep the garage door and clean the light on porch week but besides that I do nothing.
That used to be the case for me, but now the entire place is all mine to maintain. And if I don't do it, it won't get done. Here in the Chicago area, I want my car inside the garage in the winter, which means I clean and organize the garage at least once a year. :eek::rolleyes::D